Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (2024)

If you wanted to show off how strong you were, you would probably flex your biceps—those muscles on the front of your upper arms between your elbows and shoulders. But incorporating biceps exercises is important for reasons far beyond aesthetics.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of these muscles, which are called into action any time you bend your elbows, lift or pull something, or rotate the forearms. Basically, if you’re doing anything from twisting a bottle cap to opening a door, you can thank your biceps.

As the “bi” in biceps indicates, they are made up of two sections: the long head and the short head. When you select the best exercises to strengthen your biceps, you’re going to want moves that work both parts, and this will become especially important for intermediate and advanced lifters looking to make further gains.

While it’s easy to turn to the tried-and-true biceps curls, if that move is growing stale, not giving you further results, or creates discomfort, we’ve got a list of other exercises and two extra-challenging complexes that will get your biceps burning.

    Meet the experts: Tatiana Lampa is an ACSM-certified trainer, a corrective exercise specialist, and the creator of the Training with T app. Colette Nguyen, CPT, is an ACE-certified personal trainer and trainer at Soho Strength Lab.

    How long does it take to build your biceps strength and size?

    When it comes to seeing results for all the effort you’re putting into your biceps, we’ve got good news: You may see improvement as soon as the following week. “Muscles are pretty quick to adapt to the stress that you put on them,” says Colette Nguyen, CPT, trainer at Soho Strength Lab. “I wouldn’t normally give it more than two weeks to see strength gains for the novice lifter.”

    Each person is a little different, though. As you become an intermediate or advanced lifter, it may take longer to notice changes, and other factors like nutrition also play a big role in the timeline.

    Targeting your biceps once a week on the low end should be enough to maintain their health. But if your goal is to grow the muscles, “that’s when you want to start exploring the concepts of frequency, intensity, and specificity of the exercises,” Nguyen explains.

    It’s all about making sure your muscles are getting a “stimulus,” or reaching a point of fatigue. “At the end of the day, you want to overload the muscle either through volume or intensity,” Nguyen says. Overloading your biceps effectively is all about finding the right balance of number of reps, weight, and the exercise itself.

    How To Know If You’re Working Your Biceps Effectively

    Just like with building strength in other muscles, you’re going to want to find the right volume and intensity when working your biceps, Nguyen says. “The biggest mistake [people make when building biceps strength] is not working at a volume or intensity that generates a correct stimulus,” she says.

    For instance, if you’re doing endless hammer curls but not feeling the burn in your biceps, you might want to consider changing the exercise (and luckily we’ve got you covered with a list ahead!). If you reach the end of a set and feel nothing, that’s your call to increase the weight by an amount anywhere between 1 and 5 pounds, Nguyen says. (Pro tip: Nguyen says 1 to 2.5 pounds is a “cozy” increase for women targeting small muscle groups.)

    You’ll know you found the perfect combo of volume and intensity when you notice your rep pacing falling off. “The minute you feel your pacing being disrupted, you’re at the point of fatigue because at this point you can’t maintain the consistency of repetition,” Nguyen says. “Even if you wanted to maintain the pace, you end up slowing down compared to when you first started the set.” In addition to a slower pace, your form will deteriorate slightly, but you should keep going past the initial discomfort for two to five more reps, Nguyen says.

    While you’re pushing past discomfort, you should never feel pain. If you start to feel pain while exercising your biceps or feel pain in your shoulder the next day, that could be a signal you’re overtraining your biceps.

    13 Best Biceps Exercises

    Time: 15 minutes or less

    Equipment: 5-10 pound dumbbells for beginner/intermediate, 12 pound for advanced

    Good for: Biceps

    Instructions: For most of the moves below, do 2-4 sets of 12 reps. Nguyen recommends picking a maximum of two biceps exercises for a workout. When it comes to working your biceps, it’s all about quality over quantity. Picking one move that you can master and that elicits the right stimulus from your target muscles is what’s most important.

    We’ve also included variations on traditional biceps and hammer curls, which will be helpful to readers that experience joint discomfort, but be sure to avoid doing multiple variations of the same move because that could lead to overuse injuries.

    Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (1)

    1. Supinated Biceps Curl

      How to:

      1. Hold a pair of dumbbells at sides, palms facing forward, and keep back straight and chest up.
      2. Without moving upper arms, bend elbows and curl the weights toward shoulders.
      3. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position, straightening arms completely. That's 1 rep.

      Pro tip: As seen in the demonstration above, holding your palms outward at a 45-degree angle—or, in a supinated position—will allow you to hit the short head of the biceps a little harder.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (2)

      2. Hammer Curl

      How to:

      1. Hold a pair of dumbbells at sides, palms facing toward the side of your body, and keep back straight and chest up.
      2. Without moving upper arms, bend elbows and curl the weights towar shoulders.
      3. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position, straightening arms completely. That's 1 rep.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (3)

      3. Isometric Biceps Hold

      How to:

      1. Hold a pair of dumbbells at sides, palms facing forward, and keep back straight and chest up.
      2. Without moving upper arms, bend elbows and curl the weights until arms form a 90-degree angle.
      3. Hold there for 30 seconds, then lower back down. That's 1 set.

      Pro tip: If you’re struggling to progress to a heavier weight, holding positions will help you develop more strength and endurance to get you there.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (4)

      4. Tempo Biceps Curls: Eccentric

      How to:

      1. Hold a pair of dumbbells at sides, palms facing forward, and keep back straight and chest up.
      2. Without moving upper arms, bend elbows and curl weights toward shoulders.
      3. Then, very slowly (think: half-speed) lower the weights back to the starting position, straightening arms completely. That's 1 rep.

      Why we love it: Changing tempo is a great way to increase the stimulus and really test those biceps. “When you move slower, you’re basically asking your body to stabilize through the movement more and, because you’re moving slower, there’s nowhere to hide and you need to be stricter with your form,” Nguyen says.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (5)

      5. Tempo Biceps Curls: Concentric

      How to:

      1. Hold a pair of dumbbells at sides, palms facing forward, and keep back straight and chest up.
      2. Without moving upper arms, very slowly (think: half-speed) bend elbows and curl the weights toward shoulders.
      3. Then, lower the weights back to the starting position at a regular pace, straightening arms completely. That's 1 rep.

      6. Write Your Name

      How to:

      1. Start standing holding a single dumbbell in both hands.
      2. Extend arms out in front at chest height. Slowly and with control, write your name in the air. Each letter is a rep.

      Pro tip: This is a great exercise to get beginners moving and engaging their biceps but should not be included in a long-term exercise plan since there isn’t a way to increase intensity.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (7)

      7. Curtsy Lunge With Biceps Curl

      How to:

      1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, with a dumbbell in each hand.
      2. Take a big step back with left leg, crossing it behind right. Bend knees and lower hips until right thigh is nearly parallel to the floor. At the same time, bend elbows and bring the weights toward shoulders.
      3. Return to start. That's 1 rep. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other.

      Pro tip: Pairing a lower body exercise with an upper body one might help you feel more active, but make sure you’re able to do both components correctly—otherwise it’s best to do them on their own.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (8)

      8. Plié Squat With Biceps Curl

      How to:

      1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed out at 45 degrees, torso leaned slightly forward. Hold a set of dumbbells in hands.
      2. Inhale as you bend knees and sink hips down until thighs are parallel to the floor, and lower the dumbbells at the same time.
      3. Exhale and drive through heels back to starting position as you bend elbows and bring the dumbbells toward shoulders. That's 1 rep.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (9)

      9. Zottman Curl

      How to:

      1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding weights in front of you, palms facing forward.
      2. Without moving upper arms, slowly curl the weights toward shoulders.
      3. At the top of the curl, rotate wrists inward so palms face forward. Slowly lower them in that position.
      4. Rotate wrists and dumbbells back to the starting position. That's 1 rep.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (10)

      10. 21s Biceps Curl Complex

      How to:

      1. Hold a pair of dumbbells in hands, and bend elbows so they're 90 degrees.
      2. Without moving upper arms, curl the weights toward shoulders, then lower back down to the starting point. Repeat this 21 times.
      3. Then, from 90 degrees, lower weights all the way down, until arms are fully extended. Bring them back up to the starting point. Repeat this 21 times.
      4. Then, complete a full biceps curl. Repeat this 21 times.
      5. Next, do all three moves for 20 reps, then 19, etc. until you've reached 1 rep.

      Pro tip: If you’re doing the 21s biceps curl complex, you shouldn’t do an additional move that targets the biceps because it would overwork them.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (11)

      11. 21s Hammer Curl Complex

      How to:

      1. Hold a pair of dumbbells in hands, with the weights facing toward the side of body, and bend elbows so they're 90 degrees.
      2. Without moving upper arms, curl the weights toward shoulders, then lower back down to the starting point. Repeat this 21 times.
      3. Then, from 90 degrees, lower your weights all the way down, until arms are fully extended. Bring them back up to the starting point. Repeat this 21 times.
      4. Then, complete a full hammer curl. Repeat this 21 times.
      5. Next, do all three moves for 20 reps, then 19, etc. until you've reached 1 rep.

      Pro tip: If you’re doing this complex, you shouldn’t do an additional move that targets the biceps because it would overwork them.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (12)

      12. Wide Biceps Curl

      How to:

      1. Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand. Glue elbows to sides, but hold forearms out at a 45-degree angle away from your body.
      2. Without moving upper arms, bend elbows and curl the weights toward shoulders.
      3. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position, straightening arms completely. That's 1 rep.

      Why we love it: Depending on your joint function, a wide curl might be a good variation if a regular biceps curl feels uncomfortable in the wrists.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (13)

      13. Crossbody Alternating Biceps Curl

      How to:

      1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, with a dumbbell in each hand. Palms should be resting against the front of thighs.
      2. Keeping elbow glued to side, raise one dumbbell toward shoulder. Return to start.
      3. Repeat on the other side. That's 1 rep.

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (14)

      Reviewed byColette Nguyen, CPT

      Fitness coach

      , CPT, is an ACE-certified personal trainer and trainer at .

      Got 15 Minutes And Dumbbells? Tone Your Arms With This Biceps Workout (2024)


      Is 15 minutes enough for biceps? ›

      The actual truth is that those dumbbells you bought last March or a set of resistance bands are really good at strengthening your upper bod—and you can do literally that in 15 minutes. Yep, 15 freaking minutes to target your biceps, triceps, and shoulders.

      Are bicep curls good for toning arms? ›

      The bicep curl is the quintessential arm exercise. It tones and strengthens the front of the arms, which many people associate with the ability to “flex a muscle.” To perform this exercise, grab your dumbbells and start with your arms by your sides.

      What happens if you train biceps everyday? ›

      Daily training can limit your bicep muscles' recovery time, potentially hindering overall muscle growth.

      How long does it take to get toned arms? ›

      If you are training arms twice a week, eating enough protein, and (if weight loss is required) following a moderate calorie deficit (find out how many calories you should be eating to lose weight here), you should begin to see improvements in around 4-6 weeks.

      Do biceps grow with weight or reps? ›

      So, in general, low reps with heavy weight tends to increase muscle mass, while high reps with light weight increases muscle endurance. This doesn't mean that you have to rely on one method exclusively. Alternating between the two may be the best approach for long-term success.

      How often should I workout my arms to tone? ›

      Therefore, an effective workout plan to tone the arms doesn't only consist of strength training, but cardio as well. I encourage my clients to do an arm workout at least three times a week to build muscle, plus cardio at least twice a week to help with overall fat and calorie burn.

      How many sets of biceps per day? ›

      For maximum bicep growth and strength gains, IFBB Men's Physique Pro and KM athlete Daushon McGregor recommends working through two primary rep and set ranges: 4 sets of 10-15 reps and 3 or 4 sets of four to eight reps. “Switching between the set and rep ranges can help overcome plateaus,” he explains.

      Can flabby arms really be toned? ›

      When it comes to getting rid of flabby arms, decreasing some arm fat and increasing more muscle definition can be beneficial. A combination of aerobic and strength training can help tone your arms, shed fat and minimize upper arm flabbiness. The triceps are the key muscles to work on if you have flabby arms.

      How to tone arms over 50? ›

      Bicep Curls
      1. Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart with the knees slightly bent.
      2. Curl the dumbbells upward, squeezing your biceps as you go. ...
      3. Once the dumbbells are at the top position, slowly lower them to the starting point.
      4. Repeat 10 to 12 times.
      5. Rest for 20 seconds and then complete three more sets.

      Can 3 lb weights tone arms? ›

      To tone your arm muscles, consider starting with 2- to 3-pound dumbbells, all the way up to 5- to 10-pound dumbbells for women and 10- to 20-pound dumbbells for men. Once you can do 12 to 15 repetitions with little effort, it's time to increase the weights.

      Is a 15-minute workout enough to build muscle? ›

      If you only have a short window of time to get a sweat in, don't make the mistake of thinking it's not worth it to lace up your sneakers at all. In fact, if you're looking to build and improve muscle definition, sticking to just a 15-minute routine can help get you the results you're looking for.

      How many minutes should I do biceps? ›

      Go hard or go home. If you want to come equipped with a couple of sleeve-rippers then you have to work for them – but not for very long. Short 20-minute bursts of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are the best way to blow up your bi's as they target your larger muscle fibres.

      Is a 15-minute dumbbell workout good? ›

      Many of us give up on our fitness goals when life gets busy and we think we just don't have the time to work out. Yet short workouts can be effective, as long as you work hard and do them regularly. This 15-minute dumbbell workout offers an effective full body burn, without the need for heaps of space or equipment.

      Is 10 minutes enough for biceps? ›

      Ten minutes may seem too brief to get much done, but with the right routine and challenging-enough weights, you can absolutely get in some quality strength work.

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      Author: Carlyn Walter

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      Author information

      Name: Carlyn Walter

      Birthday: 1996-01-03

      Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

      Phone: +8501809515404

      Job: Manufacturing Technician

      Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

      Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.