Műveltség és társadalmi szerepek: arisztokraták Magyarországon és Európában = Learning, Intellect and Social Roles: Aristocrats in Hungary and Europe (2024)

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The seal usage of Hungarian aristocrats in the 15th century (Novák Ádám)

2014 •

Magyarország a középkori Európában kutatócsoport – Hungary in medieval Europe research group

In my paper I would like to summarize the historiography of the Hungarian sphragistic studies in two steps, by which I wish to point out the deficiencies and also the current projects. As an introduction of the topic I will present my research results regarding the seal usage of János Perényi, Master of the Treasury. After the introduction I intend to show both the importance and the difficulties of investigating poly-sigillic diplomas and I also present a short introduction of my project which focuses on such diplomas issued/published between 1439 and 1457. In the second part of my paper I wish to highlight the observations I have made so far on seal usage, namely that there is indeed a certain consistency in the seal usage of secular dignity.

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Hungarian Aristocratic Women’s Last Wills from the Late Middle Ages (1440-1526). Additional Data to Their Piety and Social Relationships

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English chivalric insignia in Hungary (Bárány Attila)

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Magyarország a középkori Európában kutatócsoport – Hungary in medieval Europe research group

The paper investigates the progress of status consciousness in the spheres of material culture and way of living. Prime focus is given to iconographic evidence, for instance, coats of arms on tombstones. A major issue is how and in what way Hungarian nobles started to follow Western European patterns, shedding light to different models of self-representation. The roots of the change in self-consciousness and behavioural development can be traced back to royal visits to Western European courts, mainly in the 15th century, where members of entourages spent several weeks on missions in courts from Westminster to Paris.

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Armorials and Grants of Arms: Heraldic representation of Hungarian nobles at the time of the Council of Constance. In: Attila Bárány (ed.), Das Konzil von Konstanz und Ungarn. (Memoria Hungariae 1.). Debrecen: MTA, 2016. 155-178.

Zsombor Jekely, Magyarország a középkori Európában kutatócsoport – Hungary in medieval Europe research group

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"This Single Slab of Marble Does Not Show You One Single Face" Funerary Monuments from the Saint Michael Cathedral in Alba Iulia from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

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The Seal Usage of János Perényi (†1458), Master of the Treasury. TÖRTÉNETI TANULMÁNYOK: A KOSSUTH LAJOS TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM TÖRTÉNELMI INTÉZETÉNEK KIADVÁNYA XXII pp. 78-96. , 19 p. (2014)

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Ritterliche Kultur in spätmittelalterlichen Litauen (Pósán László)

2014 •

Magyarország a középkori Európában kutatócsoport – Hungary in medieval Europe research group

In der Geschichtsschreibung wird das 14. Jahrhundert oft als hundertjähriger Krieg zwischen dem Deutschen Orden und Litauen bezeichnet.1 Zwischen 1305 und 1409 gab es ungefähr 300 Expeditionen und militärische Aktionen auf dem litauischen Gebiet, und es kam zu genauso vielen oder noch mehr litauischen Angriffen. Trotz der kontinuierlichen Kämpfe gab es auch friedliche Kontakte zwischen den beiden, die zu kulturellen Annäherungen, zur Bekanntschaft und Übernahme die materieller Kulturen und weltanschaulicher Besonderheiten führten. Ein gutes Beispiel hierfür, das auch in den Quellen beschrieben wurde, ist die Übernahme der ritterlichen Kampfmethode und der ritterlichen Kultur.

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Történeti Tanulmányok XXII Acta Universitatis Debreceniensis Series Historica XXII/LXVI (2014) 78-96.

The Seal Usage of János Perényi (†1458), Master of the Treasury (Novák Ádám)

2014 •

Magyarország a középkori Európában kutatócsoport – Hungary in medieval Europe research group

I have been studying János Perényi’s career since 2009. In the essays I have published since then I covered the outline of his career, his relation to royal power and to the magnates and his position within the national council. In my papers which are about to be published I examined the beginning of his political career, the history of his family’s possessions and the use of their residence. Besides the conclusions of the literature, these studies are based mainly on already published diplomas and on the sources I have collected. In my present paper I intend to summarize the results of the sources collection I have carried out in the course of my studies abroad and during my professional practices.

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Social Structure and Aristocratic Representation—Red Wax Seal Usage in Hungary in the 15th c

2018 •

Balázs Bacsa

One might perceive the Middle Ages as an era of certain rights and privileges. Social stratification or the conformation of a group’s identity were all established around privileges in the Kingdom of Hungary. In the medieval period, as opposed to a modern state, the most important constructors of a group’s identity were privileges. When members of a social group bear identical prerogatives, that group can be recognized as an order or estate. The ecclesiastic order existed side-by-side with the noble estate. In possession of political power were strictly those who were at the top of the strongly hierarchical system. However, in the Kingdom of Hungary, the significance of the ecclesiastical order was dwarfed by the importance of landed nobility. Some five percent of the population was of nobles, who also held political power. Until the end of the 15th century, the members of this stratum were equal in law. Only distinctions in financial situation can be noticed during the 14th and 15t...

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Műveltség és társadalmi szerepek: arisztokraták Magyarországon és Európában = Learning, Intellect and Social Roles: Aristocrats in Hungary and Europe (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.