The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)

If Women Only Knew What a Heap of Happiness It 1 Would Bring to Leavenworth Homes. Hard to do housework with an aching back. Brings you hours of misery at leisure or at work. If women only knew the cause -that Backache pains often come from weak kidneys, 'Twould save much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys, Many residents of this vicinity endorse them.

Mrs. I. M. Kirby, 921 Atchison, says: "I received such great benefit from Doan's Kidney Pills that I am glad to give them my endorsement. Two years ago I had a bad attack of, kidney complaint and I suitered intensely from backaches and pains in my sides.

The kidney secretions caused me no end of annoyance. Headaches and dizzy spells occurred frequently. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills relieved aches and pains and restored my kidneys to normal condition. I have had no need of a kidney medicine since then and have enjoyed good health." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.

Foster-Milburn Buffalo, N. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan'sand take no other. He kept right on howling and became a source of great embarrassment to the Cause. At that time Mr.

Brady was boosting Taft to beat the band in the columns of his newspaper, the Lawrence Journal-World. But along in the winter Mr. Brady switched to Roosevelt, being one of the latter's most rabid Kansas partisans. Mr. Brady has his reward.

He appears on Mr. White's handpicked list. Mr. White advises the voters of the Second District, in their free and untrammeled expression at the primary polls, to select Mr. Brady as their candidate.

John H. Crider and E. A. Enright, the remaining candidates, were greatly annoyed, but admit that the people must be permitted to freely express their will. And so, while the bosses of the Cause may "throw" a man in one campaign, they often are willing to get behind him in the next, especially if he is in position to make a fuss about it.

Aside from the contest over the attorney generalship, the only "political" fight effecting a minor state office is that between Earl Akers and Walaer Payne, candidates for state treasurer. Akers is Governor Stubbs' handpicked selection for the place. The governor doesn't like Payne, although the latter is from Douglas county. The Governor's objection seems to be that Payne has not endorsed all of his policies. Akers, although he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for treasurer, has been running the Roosevelt headquarters in Topeka since they were opened.

Payne bas been assistant treasurer for a number of years. JAY E. HOUSE. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing.

Doan's Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Why suffer. All druggists sell it. PRIMARY QUESTION CAUSES SERIOUS CONCERN State Has Never Before Faced Such a Political Tangle. AN ELEMENT OF UNCERTAINTY.

No One Seems to Be Able to Prophesy as to the Outcome- William Allen White's Handpicked Candidates. Topeka, July the state primary only a week to the windward, Kansas has never faced a political situation so uncertain or about which there is such a diversion of opinion. No two men agree in all particulars as to what is likely to happen. Which means, expressed in the fewest possible words, that everybody is guessing and that there is no information available upon which one can make a forecast of the outcome. Meanwhile, Allen White has made it easy for every voter.

He has compiled a list of candidates for the free and untrampled people to support. All a voter needs when he goes into the voting booth on August 6th is William Allen's list of the pure and undefiled. If he votes as William Allen directs he will have the happy consciousness of having cast his free and untrammeled ballot for principle and purity. But if he disobeys William Allen's orders he will be haunted all the balance of his days by the depressing realization that he voted for Lorimer. Since Samuel Griffin of Medicine Lodge appeared on Mr.

White's list of personally handpicked and selected list of candidates in the role of an aspirant for the office of attorney general, they have made some startling discoveries about him. Mr. Griffin, it will be recalled, is the governor's "spite" candidate against John Dawson. When the governor broke with Dawson he looked around for a candidate with which to beat him in the primary and finally picked Griffin. Lately it has been discovered that Griffin voted in the legislature of 1911 against the bill for a physical valuation of the railroads and that he was not apparently considered of the sufficient standing and importance as a lawyer to make the the judiciary committee in the 1 house.

The fact that White placed on his handpicked list of candidates a man who actually voted against the physical valuation of the railroads goes to show that even the bosses of the cause are prone to err in times of stress. Still, the bosses of the Cause, although they sometimes err, are quick to recognize loyalty and real merit. When they jockeyed A. L. Brady out of a chance to run for Congress at the special election in the Second District last year, Mr.

Brady set up a howl that made the hills reverberate. KNIGHT SHOULD HAVE WON BOUT THE LEAVENWORTH TIMES, THRUSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1, 1912 Fighter Forced Matters From Local. Beginning and Floored Yoakum Twice. According to a telegram received here yesterday, from Tom Naylon, secretary of the Albuquerque Commercial Club, Knight had the better of Yoakum Tuesday night. The telegram states that the local fighter forced the fighting from start to finish and floored Yoakum twice in the eighth round.

When the finish came, Knight was going strong and it was the opinion of many that he would have won in three more rounds. Yoakum did not knock Knight through the ropes but pushed him. Had the ring been sufficiently strong the accident would not have happened. The local boy struck his head when he fell but recovered in a short time. The following is the telegram: "Albuquerque, N.

July Knight-Yoakum fight ended no decision ninth round. Yoakum pushed Knight over ropes twice, 1 last time Phil's head struck floor and rendered him helpless. Knight recovered shortly afterward. Now. without soar.

Phil forced fight. Knocked Yoakum down twice in eighth round and was going strong when accident -Tom Naylon, Secretary Commercial Club." MABEL TALLIAFERO IN "CINDERELLA" AT CASINO. To Play a Return Engagement in Selig's 3-Reel Masterpiece of This Pleasing Story. By popular request the management of the Casino Theater is bringing to that house, as a return engagement, Selig's masterpiece, "Cinderella," in which Miss Mabel Talliafero, the tamous actress, appears in the leading role. No photoplay this season.

has made the hit that this one did and hundreds were unable to see it, and hundreds who did witness the pleasing production will want to see it again. This picture will be at the Casino on next Monday and Tuesday as a special release, and Prof. Linck's 6-plece orchestra will furnish the musical portion of the entertainment. Miss Talliafero is one of the most gifted actresses on the stage today, but this is the only picture in which she has appeared. It was her desire to play the part of "Cinderella" as she would interpret the part and W.

N. Selig made negotiations with her to take the lead which she gladly did. The picture is a charming one and will interest old and young alike. Casino, except on days of special photoplays, in changing program' daily, using the association productions, while the Palm, which has changed pictures daily for some weeks, is now showing the best of "independent" productions. Flying Men Fall to stomach, liver and kidney troubles just like other people, like results in loss of appetite, backache, nervousness, headache, and tired, listless, run-down feeling.

But there's need to feel like that as T. D. Peebles, Henry, proved. "Six bottles of Electric Bitters," he writes, "did more to give me new strength and good appetite than all other stomach remedies I used." So they help everybody. It's folly to suffer when this great remedy will help you from the first dose.

Try It. Only 50 cents at all druggists. The proudest person in the world is a small boy who has a speaking acquaintance with a policeman. Your Unrestricted Choice of any Suit in the House $30, $25, $22.50 Suit now $14.50 Your Unrestricted Choice of any Suit in the House $20, $18 and $15 Suit now $11:50 Fancys, Blues, Blacks, Tropicals and Mohairs. All Go.

-Engel's- Light on heating LIGHT ON THE COAL QUESTION By By SEARCHLIGHT Hot Air Hot Boiler Water Stoves These coal-hods show the relative amount of fuel required to produce an equal volume of heat, depending on whether you burn it in stoves, hot-air furnace, or by a Low-Pressure Steam or Hot-Water outfit. DEAL RADIATORS A BOILERS offer the only way of producing a uniform indoor climate and pay for themselves in fuel economy, and free the house of the destructiveness of ashes, soot, and coal-gases. Will pay you well to investigate. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Ask for book (free).

THOLEN BROS. Plumbing, Heating, and Electrical Contractors See Our Line of Shirts Soft Collar French Cuffs At Reduced Prices Springes What Some of Leavenworth's Leading Business Men Think of Frank J. Ryan We, the undersigned citizens of the City of Leavenworth, being to some extent informed as to the general political conditions in this state, and in particular as they apply to the office of governor, and the City of Leavenworth, do believe that the voters of this city should give this subject their very serious consideration. The Honorable Frank J. Ryan, now a member of the State Utilities Board and a candidate for governor, was born and raised in this city and is still a resident thereof.

He is a man who has made a complete success of all the various political offices which he has held. He is honest, conscentious, and a man of large experience and ability and would, we believe, occupy the governor's chair with credit to himself and this great state. We further believe that his chances for election are as good or perhaps a little better than any other candidate. Also if elected he will always remember his home city, and in the various legislation that may come up during his term of office, give Leavenworth at least a square deal as well as the balance of the state. Therefore we believe that it is the duty of every voter in this city to be loyal to, and vote for Frank J.

Ryan for Governor, both at the primary on August 6th, and at the General Election in November. E. W. SNYDER M. H.






HAVENS J. C. KETCHESON W. N. TODD Entertained Lawn Party.

Gerald Williams and Miss Nellie Evans entertained with a lawn party on Tuesday evening at the Williams residence, Thirteenth and Delaware streets. Those present were: The Misses Blanch and Ethel Bright, Bertha Williams, Nellie Green, Lillian Brown, Edna Harold, Ruth and Alberta Walton, Elsie Gough, Bessie Estella Hopkins, Maggie Allen, Faye Dawson, Beatrice Fields, Mary Mills, May Jacobs, Geraldine Broadus, Gladys Harrington, Viola and Ada Simpson and Messrs. Ray Davis, Orville Hazel. wood, James Nash, Orville Hunt, Irving Davis, Ernest Gough, Carl Hardin, Anthony Samuels, William Nash, Commodore Williams, William Burton, Roy Rose, Walter Samuels, Albert White, Beats Everything for the Price "LA OPERAS AZORA" 5c Packed in Tins of 25 DICKS CIGAR CO. The House of Values.

Distributers. Pianos to be Sold. At Mortgagee's Sale Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to a certain contract of sale of hereinafter described personal property, the Ditzell Music on Saturday, August 3, 1912, at 10 o'clock A. at its place of business, No. 504 Delaware street, in the City of Leavenworth, will offer for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder, the following described personal property, to-wit: One Ditzell Piano and style piano No.

21. No. 44,866. All of said property being in good and perfect condition as new. DITZELL MUSIC CO.

FIFTH AND DELAWARE STS. LEAVENWORTH, KANS. FARM ADVISOR IS NOW ON THE JOB P. H. Ross Will Open a Two Years' Campaign in Reno Township Today -Will be in City on Saturday.

Beginning with today and uing for a period of two years, Leavenworth County farmers will have the, assistance of a salaried; agricultural advisor who will come to this county for the purpose of advising with the farmers in the matter of raising better crops and making a study of the soil conditions. This county has the distinction of being the first county in the state to employ an expert who will give all of his time for the agricultural betterment of the county. P. H. Ross of Jewell County, the pert selected by the State Agricultural College, for this county, will begin his labors today.

He is scheduled to open his campaign in Reno Township and will work toward this city. He is expected to reach here Satur. day. An office has been fitted up for the advisor where he will be every Saturday to give adivoe to those who are in the city on that day. The office will be connected with the one now occupied by C.

A. Sparrow and will be equipped with maps, charts and books pertaining to scientific farming. DEATH OF MRS. MARTIN. Succumbed Yesterday Morning After Illness of Fourteen Months.

The death of Mrs. Rebecca A. Martin, widow of the late William A. Martin, occurred Wednesday morning, July 31, at her home, 217 North Broadway. Te cause of her death was paralysis.

from which she was a sufferer for fourteen months, although 1 her fatal illness was only of a week's duration. Mrs. Martin was born in Columbia, and came to Leavenworth in 1870, having lived here since that time. She is survived by three daughters, Emily, Mary and Bessie. The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock from the home.

The interment will be made privately in the family lot in Mount Muncie Cemetery. The services will be conducted by Chaplain F. J. Leavitt, of the Federal Prison. The pall-bearers will be Messrs.

0. B. Taylor, W. E. Thomas, E.

D. Lysle, Edward aughty, Frank Cobb and Captain Henry Gibbons. Because of her long residence here and the high regard in which she was held by all, Mrs. Martin's death is mourned by many friends. Many beautiful floral offerings have been received at the home.

Funeral of Dorothy Prest. The funeral of Dorothy Anna Prest, who died Tuesday night at St. John's Hospital, will be held from the residence of her grandfather, P. H. Schroth, 1002 Spruce street, Friday morning at 10 o'clock.

The funeral will be strictly private, and the family requests that no flowers be sent. Interment will take place in Mt. Muncie Cemetery. Miss Prest was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

John B. Prest, of Oklahoma City, who formerly lived here. The Trials of a Traveler. "I am a traveling salesman," writes E. E.

Youngs, E. Berkshire, "and was often troubled with constipation and indigestion till I began to use Dr. found an excellent remedy." For all King's New Life Pills, which I have stomach, liver or kidney troubles they are unequaled. Only 25 cents at all druggists. Many a man has tripped over his OWn bluff.


BOTH PHONES. Dr. H. A. Sager Dentist Specialists in Fine Gold work and plates.

All kinds of dental work done at REASONABLE PRICES AND GUAR. ANTEED. Fre estimates on work, No charge for extracting when plates are ordered. ordered. OFFICE HOURS.

Daily--8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings-7 to 8 p.

Wednesday and Saturday. Sunday--9 to 11 a. m. Bell Phone, 382. Home Phone 757: Corner 5th and Shawnee Streets.

OPPOSITE POLICE STATION. Yesterday on Haymarket, Square. Six loads of grain were brought to the Haymarket Square yes. terday, and all were sold within short time. Although the demand great the markets are weakening.

Two loads of prairie hay sold for $9.50 a ton, a load of alfalfa sold for $10.50, two loads of oats brought 48 cents a bushel and one load of corn sold for 75 cents a bushel. Isaacsons Win Game. The Isaacsons defeated the Dodsworths last evening by the score of 8 to 1. Richardson, who pitched for the winners, was in good form, allowing but one hit. The batteries: Isaacsons; Richardson and Heim; Dodsworth; Etter and Hille.

H. C. Jones, Charles Thomas, Thomas Chapman and Wirt Walton. Misses Mary, Alice and Mae Williams assisted in entertaining. Indian Killed On Track.

Near Rochelle, an Indian went to sleep on a railroad track and was killed by the fast express. He paid for his carelessness with his life. Often its that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a dangerous throat or lung trouble.

"It completely cured me, in a short time, of a terrible cough that followed a severe attack of the writes J. R. Watts, Floydada, "and I regained 15 pounds in weight that I had lost." Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at all It isn't only paying the bills for shoes and hats that enables a man to make both ends meet.

It's very nice to marry and settle down with a poor girl, but it's nicer to marry a rich girl and settle up. Are Ever at War. There are two things everlastingly at war, joy and piles. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve will banish piles in any form. It soon subdues the irritation, inflammation or swelling.

It gives comfort, invites joy. Greatest healer of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises, eczema. scalds, pimples, skin eruptions. Only 25c at all druggista.

The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.